Monday, June 2, 2014

The Van Gogh Museum has no Van Goghs

I rented the car and made this trip to Arles to go to the new museum, created by the Fondation Van Gogh. Lucky for them, they had some Van Gogh paintings on loan from the Riiksmuseum, because if there had been no Van Gogh paintings on view, there would have been bloody hell to pay. That was today's surprise (there is at least one every day!)--that the museum does not own any Van Gogh paintings--it is not a Van Gogh museum--and those on view will return at the end of the summer, and then there will be none to see there. Boy, is that going to be a problem for them. Oh well, I got to see seven of his paintings, and that made it worth the trip, for me.

Indeed, my visit in Arles was a lovely respite (two nights). I met some new friends and was able to spend part of a day painting. What more does a traveler need?


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