Friday, February 27, 2015

Family Picnic

Started this today, from a photo of, oh.... a few decades ago. It was my brother's birthday, and I think we were around the Prescott area? The print from an Ektachrome slide is just as old, and even more faded. Not sure whether this will be a study for a larger version, or if I'll finish this and call it good. Pondering.
Work in Progress.

While doing some color mixing to find different ways to get neutrals (for a different painting), I decided to compare some green mixtures too. So I smeared some of them on this with a palette knife. Hm. They need to be neutralized--but that's easy enough. (Later!) Wish I'd left more of the dark neutral tone showing through.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Drop-in Figure Drawing

Sometimes it's worth it to overcome my inertia, push myself out the door and go draw. This was one of those times--I felt like it was a very productive session. Why am I able to be looser in charcoal or pastel than in paint? Perhaps it's the time crunch, too. A few of these are 15-min. poses, and a couple (the charcoal ones) are 30-min.  We are so fortunate to have Studio 30 and Hipbone Studios here in town.


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Long pose

This was a rare full-day pose at Studio 30. I did a smaller study, quickly--which showed me I needed a larger, vertical format--then took more time with this 16"x 20". Of course, another hour and I could finish the job. Hopefully soon, while I still have the momentum to do it.

2/13 15

Vintage Glandstone

It was the most glorious day ever, anywhere on the planet. Last Tuesday, whew boy! Warm sunshine, camping-chair plein air, passersby, and the best coffee imaginable (or even not). This was the tiny result, and I only now realize that I forgot to include the support posts for that cantilevered-looking overhang. Need to shoot pic again anyway; soon. Moreover, this wants to be a larger, real painting. For now, this is the stand-in.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Standing Strong

This is a second 8"x8" for Concordia/OSA. I worked from a photo taken last summer at the Cully Farmers Market, where I'd stumbled upon a beautiful performance of Native American dancers. There is a strong notan drawing underneath it, which let me have the freedom to concentrate on getting the color values mixed to my liking without the drawing moving all over the place when I wipe off initial attempts. (The drawing is spray-fixed onto the board.) I think I will call this "Standing Strong."


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Beach Boy

Well, flat rock boy, actually. From a photo taken at La Jolla beach several years ago. At high tide, the water covers the flat rocks along the beach. Low tide, the pools dry out and you can walk along them. All those "negative ions" and aqua-colored Pacific agua, oh my happy day. It was! This is an 8"x8" for the Concordia/OSA show, at least I hope it's dry in time to submit it.
