Friday, May 4, 2012

Rapid photo imagery

We started the "BDP"--that's "big developed painting"--and it's a biggun all right!  3' x 4'.  We started by choosing a famous-painting reproduction, and used big globs of paint, sponges and water to cover the whole surface with a sketchy rendition of that painting.  I chose Francois Boucher's Diana Bathing as my base imagery. Then, every 15 minutes or so, a different photographic image appeared on the big screen; we could use as much or little as we wanted out of that image.  I used the image of Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray playing chess, and a photo of Nadia Sibirskaia, and some calla lilies, and a couple of monks.  Oh, and an abstract painting of tree roots--that was another of the projected images.  We worked on this for a 2nd session... and will continue for one more, I am told.

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